December 11, 2013

Dear friends,

The call for papers for the European Conference of Arboriculture which will be held in Turin on 26-28 May 2014 is now open!

Attention!: Please, apply before January 31, 2014 if you wish to present a paper.

Papers can be submitted for either oral presentations or posters. Oral presentations are given in 20 (15+5 for questions) slots in the conference program in front of an audience. Oral presentations could be either in English or in Italian, but slides must be in English. Posters must be in English with the text easily readable.

The topic of papers may fall into one of the following Conference themes:

  • Trees and infrastructures
  • Tree benefits and tree value in the urban contest
  • Urban tree and climate change
  • Tree management in a global change scenario
  • Tree risk assessment and biomechanics
  • Disease and pest management

Papers, in the form of abstracts, must be submitted as attachments to the following e-mail address: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

In the attachment authors should also indicate the preferred presentation type (oral presentation or poster) and the general topic of the paper by selecting one of the above Conference themes.

Papers accepted for presentation will be collected in a book of abstracts.


Abstracts layout
Abstracts must be submitted in MS Word format in single spacing and are to be text only.


  • bold and in 12 point Arial;
  • preferably less than 180 characters long including spaces and punctuation;
  • in lower case except for the first letter, and the first letters of proper nouns and the names of genera or higher taxonomic groupings. Latin names of genera and species should be in italics;
  • the rest of the abstracts should be in Times New Roman 12 point.



  • should be listed in upper and lower case, with surname and name and in bold;
  • underline the name of the presenting author;
  • separate authors' names with a comma, except for the last two names in the list, which should be separated by "and".


Affiliation and address of authors

  • in italics, with sufficient information to enable reader to contact (company/institution name, city, zip codes, country)
  • the e-mail address of the presenting or the corresponding author (who submit the abstract) should be included.


The body of the abstract

  • not exceed 300 words;
  • not include subheadings, tables or figures or references;
  • be written as one paragraph;
  • spelling and grammar should follow standard British or American English usage.

Title, author list, addresses and the body of the abstract should all be fully justified.

The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts for spelling, grammar, punctuation and clarity, and to shorten abstracts exceeding the 300-word limit.

You can click here to download an example of abstract. 


Best regards

The Chair and Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee
Francesco Ferrini and Paolo Gonthier

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